Social Media in english
Streaming on www.youtube.com/peregrinosdelamor
Due to the contingency created by the Coronavirus and the cessation of continuous mission trips, we have been more active than ever in evangelizing through the mass media. This is how we have started month by month international virtual congresses in Spanish and English, completely free, with the participation of bishops, priests, religious and lay people from different countries and ecclesial communities seeking to build up and spiritually accompany so many people in these times of difficulty where a deep communion with God becomes more and more necessary.

International Virtual Conference
the communion of saints
Join us on YOUTUBE through this link: https://youtu.be/3HaDlS0fTGs
Is free and there is no need to register

International Virtual Conference
Saturday 9th October 2021
Join us on YOUTUBE through this link:
Is free and there is no need to register

International Virtual Conference
The Gate of Heaven
Sunday 29th August 2021
Join us on YOUTUBE through this link:

International Virtual Conference
Blood of Jesus
Saturday 31st June 2021
Join us on YOUTUBE through this link:

International Virtual Conference
of Jesus
Saturday 26th June 2021
Join us on YOUTUBE through this link:

International Virtual Conference
Mother of the Eucharist
29th & 30th May 2021
Join us on YOUTUBE through these links:
SATURDAY: https://youtu.be/azKuRXXc1PA
SUNDAY: https://youtu.be/kGFeMd__xpU

In our YouTube channel we have listed all the congresses, the complete and individual videos of the talks. They are a great treasure for the spiritual formation of our souls.
27th and 28th of March 2021
From 15:00 UK & Ireland we'll be LIVE presenting the International Virtual Conference ST. PETER: the voice from the upper room's balcony with great talks and testimonies. Is free and there is no need to register, just enter to this same link. Live on youtube:

27th and 28th of February 2021
From 3pm UK & Ireland Time join us on the 27th & 28th of February, follow the links: Link for SATURDAY 27th February https://youtu.be/j4aBt3fXA3c Link for SUNDAY 28th February https://youtu.be/VMag9HOC9cA Is free and there is no need to register.

To watch the full conference on the The Three Gifts Click here: https://youtu.be/00e45X7lZmk
To watch the individual talks Click here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCDBHgLc66JBTkhW4pQ67Q8GMhIOpYavo

If you want to watch all the conference of St. Jospeh:
12th December 2020: https://youtu.be/cvVEB-MabbU
13th December 2020: https://youtu.be/gxg2kbu7xlA
To watch the individual talks:

International Virtual Conference PURGATORY: A MERCIFUL PATH OF SUFFERING
21st and 22nd of November 2020
All invited for our 6th International Virtual Conference on the 21st & 22nd November 2020 from 13:00 UK/Ireland Time. We have an amazing lineup of speakers and testimonies, is completely FREE and there is no need to register, to participate just follow the links:
LINK - SATURDAY 21st November/20: https://youtu.be/KX3YSuqkUHI
LINK - SUNDAY 22nd November/20: https://youtu.be/G21q6v7bxsM